Thursday, January 15, 2015

Jan 15, 2015

Dear Parents,

We are officially 1.5 weeks into the 2nd semester of school, and your children and I are settling back into the "school groove". 

In Reading:
We've been working on "inferring" by using our own background knowledge along with finding clues in the text and pictures.
We are also zooming in on the "main idea" of an article or writing, then finding supporting details to "prove it".

In Writing:
We are looking at what it takes to write a complete paragraph. As your child continues to research his or her country of choice,  we will begin revising and editing our rough drafts and then start writing our final drafts. By the way, we are working on a top secret project in the computer lab that you will find out about in a couple of weeks. I am very excited about this!

In Math:
Your child will greatly benefit by knowing his or her multiplication facts and basic division facts with automatic recall! We are going to be working on lots of math that requires the children to be able to multiply and divide in order to complete the rest of the math problem. Please practice with your child each night. This will build confidence and allow for brain power to be used on the "next level" in math.